About Me


I am thrilled that you have taken the time to take a gander through my site about house cleaning solutions. I hope that you will find it a challenging and educational experience that may even change how you manage your household to save money, your health, and reduce your family's impact on our environment.

Let me tell you a little bit about how this site about house cleaning solutions came to be...

My name is Catherine Kennelly, and I live in London, Ontario, Canada, with my wonderful husband of over 28 years. Despite ourselves, we somehow managed to raise three wonderful sons who are now married to fine young women we are proud to have as daughters. Professionally, I have been a full time Mom, a military officer, full time on church pastoral staff, and am now employed as a process analyst and project manager. I drive other people a little crazy sometimes because I am what they call an 'early adopter' - I recognize new helpful trends and get on board before most other people even know they're there.

About 10 years ago I became friends with a biochemical researcher from the local university. Highly committed to simple house cleaning solutions because of an asthmatic child, she taught me a lot about re-thinking how I approached even the most basic household tasks. About the same time, my Mom died of malignant melanoma, and a few years later my Dad won his own battle with cancer. Our family has always struggled with allergies and asthma.

As a result - I went through a perfect storm period of really taking a good hard look at how we lived, what we ate, and what chemicals we were exposed to.

As a result, I became increasingly committed to an additive free and reduced chemical load lifestyle, including house cleaning solutions.

Ultra-high quality microfiber has become my weapon of choice, and if I could convert everyone to it I would. I have since learned that not everyone can make the leap from chemical dependent to chemical-free cleaning though. For those people, I have collected lots of effective low-chemical impact 'recipes' for safer homemade cleaning solutions.

Hoping you will find inspiration for a healthier life!

Catherine Kennelly Independent Norwex Sales Consultant

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