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The antibac body pack sells as a set of three face cloths. Frankly, I use them mostly on my face and hands. I find that microfiber on my body skin drags too much. However it's great on faces
Most people don't know how to clean a mattress. It's not hard, and taking the time to do it could save you hundreds of dollars.
I have to admit to mixed feelings about the antibac dusting mitt. I love the way it dusts odd-shaped objects and the leaves of my silk plants, but I find that it sometimes gets too staticky
The antibac kitchen cloth is without a doubt my favorite Norwex microfiber cleaning cloth. They are smaller than the antibac envirocloth, but that makes them perfect for smaller kitchen surfaces.
If you want to know how to clean your room without getting frustrated and wanting to give up, here's the place to find out how. These tips can help anyone clean and organize their bedroom thoroughly
What are the best carpet cleaning methods for your carpets or area rugs? There are so many options - find out which is the best for your situation.