Norwex Ultra Plus Laundry DetergentI have been using the Norwex Ultra Plus Laundry Detergent exclusively for over 2 years now. I have to admit that I was sceptical at first - based on past experience, I was not convinced that such a small volume of an environmentally and human friendly detergent could really do the job. I was wrong. ![]() Until I started using Norwex Ultra Plus Laundry Detergent I was a major brand user. I had tried a lot of grocery store brands, and finally settled on my favorite two. As I became aware of the environmental cost of most commercial (even phosphate free and low-phosphate brands) detergents I tried some eco-friendly brands, but just wasn't impressed with their performance, even with natural laundry boosters like baking soda, vinegar and borax. Some of them didn't even dissolve properly. I invariably went back to what worked. After trying my first bag of the Norwex detergent, I was sold - for the following reasons: 1. It works - my clothes get clean 2. It doesn't leave any residue on my clothes, or the clothes of my children and grandchildren - reducing the chances of a skin irritation or allergic reaction 3. It is both environmentally friendly and people friendly. 4. It's biodegradable, so we can (and do) take it camping or to the cottage. 5. My husband and I love to travel, and I can easily carry enough detergent for our needs for an extended period because the volume is so low. Last time I sent him with individual pre-packs from a national brand and his response on return was 'please - Norwex next time'. The reason was that he was doing a lot of hand-washing in the sink, and the national brand produced way too many suds and left too much residue behind. 6. To get the same number of uses (80-140) out of a national brand, I would have to buy a big container. I love the much smaller Norwex bag - and it lasts a long time. 7. Unlike other eco-friendly detergents I have used in the past, my whites don't turn grey or yellow. 8. The cost for use in my front-loading machine is only slightly higher than the grocery store brand - but worth it in my estimation with the added benefits that come with fewer chemical ingredients 9. No toxic perfumes!!!!
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